My Dear Prime Minister
My Dear Prime Minister, Yesterday, our jawans were martyred. I don't want to throw around the number. That's for honorable ministers to use in Lok Sabha replies and press conferences. I seek to humanise the situation. The jawans were returning from their homes to hostile territory somewhere in India. Some were fathers, some were brothers. Some had mothers. What they all had in common was their humanness. They could all perceive pleasure and pain. They must have felt the latter when the car exploded. People said the unfortunate tragedy shouldn't be politicised. It mustn't. But surely we must find how it happened? If asking for accountability is scoring petty political points, sue me. Sue the mothers and sisters of those who fell in the line of their duty. They want to know how this happened. Who should they seek answers from? The terrorists, believe it or not, are not accountable to us. Nor is Pakistan. But someone else surely is, my dear Prime Minister; someone w...