Diary of a Man in Hurry
Dear Diary,
As usual, I am stupefied by people around me. The world is terribly slow, it barely crawls. I feel constrained, not by the lack of pace in my life, but in those of around me.
Just today itself, when the flight landed, no one stood. I repeat, no one stood. They kept sitting in their god damn seats! I was the lone passenger standing in the aisle, waiting for the door to open. No soul behind me, not one in front! Such was the lack of competition in this race running in my mind.
I strongly feel such brazen display of common sense should be outlawed.
The other day, I stood at the counter waiting for my turn. The receptionist was calling us by the token numbers but how does it even matter! There is no better pleasure than a crowd gathered around, and people creating a ruckus in a system that can be orderly. Luckily, I wasn't disappointed then. The impatience, the constant hovering around the counter, the sweet smell of sweaty humans asking the receptionist when their turn would come, I got my sick share all of it.
But what happened today was atrocious. The civic sense, that was displayed, disappointed me. I fear what this world is becoming. I fear for our cherished values, our common ideals.
People honking on roads, breaking queues to save precious 25.3 seconds, gathering around the teacher to collect the answer sheet which is being distributed alphabetically - This is the world I dream of and I shall play my part to reclaim it.
Vive La Chaos!
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